A Tribute to an Ordinary Lay-Pastor

By Alex DiPrima Last year, I read D.A. Carson’s excellent little tribute to his father titled, Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor. I am writing this article in the spirit of that book. Thus I have given it the title, A Tribute to an Ordinary Lay-Pastor. Bob Prentice (1957-2020) is a name few will recognize, yet I am confident that on the Last …

10 Helpful Quotes on the Incarnation

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery – Hebrews 2:14 Christ who in eternity rested motherless upon the Father’s bosom …

Social Distance from 2020 with 7 Year-End Financial Moves: Good news — 2021 is almost here

By Angela McClain, Personal Financial Advisor at GuideStone 2020 has been a wild ride. And as we’ve talked about volatile financial markets, social distancing and the election cycle, “living through unprecedented times” has been crowned the cliché catchphrase of the year. Although with varying degrees of loss, COVID-19 left no one unaffected. But we made it work. Pastors preached to parking lot …

6 Ways Pastors Can Combat Holiday Stress and Keep a Joyful (and Healthy) Heart

By Scott Charbonneau, Managing Director of Insurance Solutions, GuideStone It’s almost here. The fourth Thursday of November is the traditional kickoff to five fun and frantic weeks of holiday celebrations. As Christians, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the arrival of the new year are annual opportunities for us to count our blessings, celebrate our Savior and look to the future with hope.  …

Why Study Church History?

By Andrew Davis I love church history! I delight in immersing myself in the world of brothers and sisters in Christ from different eras of history and in different cultures from mine. I love to see how they acted so boldly and courageously for the glory of Christ. I thrill to read how firmly they stood against persecutors, or how …

The Gathering Storm: the Latest Book from Dr. Al Mohler

Listen to the B21 Podcast featuring Dr. Mohler discussing his timely, newest work, The Gathering Storm. This article is an excerpt from the introduction of Dr. Mohler’s newest book, The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church. For more information, click here. To order a copy of the book, click here. Since I was in the eighth grade, Winston Churchill has been a …

On Critics and the SBC

By Josh Wester The advent of social media has changed our lives in innumerable ways. For Southern Baptists, the rise of platforms like Facebook and Twitter has fundamentally changed how we relate to one another, and to a large extent, meaningfully altered our experience as members of America’s largest Protestant denomination. The ability to communicate instantly online has widened our …

Pastors, Keep Fighting the Good Fight

By Clint Darst Do you ever feel weary from the battle of Christian ministry in this broken world? Think of the last few weeks: a global pandemic, extreme isolation, escalating counseling concerns, #AhmaudArbery, another beloved pastor’s death, and on top of all that the daily pressures of the church. Seasons like this remind me of why the Apostle Paul exhorted …

Unburdened: New Book by Vance Pitman

Longtime friend of Baptist21, Vance Pitman, recently released a book called Unburdened: Stop Living For Jesus So Jesus Can Live Through. We actually had the opportunity to discuss this new work with Vance, via our podcast, earlier in 2020. As a gift to our readers, Vance is offering a significant discount code if you purchase the book from the publisher. …