B21 Panel from SBC Annual Meeting Part 2 from Southeastern Seminary The b21 Panel took place June 23rd at Sojourn Community Church during this year’s Southern Baptist Convention. The members of the panel were Daniel Montgomery, Danny Akin, Ed Stetzer, Albert Mohler, Mark Dever, and David Platt. The panel discussion is moderated by baptist21’s Jon Akin. The panel highlights included …
b21 Panel Video
DUE TO SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES ONLY THE FIRST HALF OF THE VIDEO (ABOUT 40 MINS) IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW. WE HOPE TO HAVE THIS FIXED SOON. The b21 Panel took place June 23rd at Sojourn Community Church during this year’s Southern Baptist Convention. The members of the panel were Daniel Montgomery, Danny Akin, Ed Stetzer, Albert Mohler, Mark Dever, and …
B21 Panel Promo: Dr. Danny Akin
UPDATED INFORMATION Directions to the B21 Panel: (from the Kentucky Exposition Center to Sojourn Community Church) •1. STARTING AT The Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center 937 Phillips Ln, Louisville, KY 40209 – (502) 367-5000 •2. Head northeast on Phillips Ln toward Freedom Way – About 1 min (0.6 mi) •3. Turn left at KY-61/Preston Hwy, Continue to follow KY-61 – …
Dear Baptist 21 Reader, Thank you for reading our blog and supporting what we are doing here! Our mission at Baptist 21 is to see greater faithfulness to and cooperation in the Great Commission among Southern Baptists in the 21st century. Part of that mission includes encouraging younger leaders within SBC to stay in the SBC and get involved in …
b21 panel @ SBC: Short Blog Interview with Danny Akin
In anticipation of b21 panel, Baptist21 has asked all the panel members to participate in a short blog interview to highlight some of the topics to be discussed. Below is information about the event and Dr. Akin’s short blog interview. What: Baptist 21 Panel Q&A @ The Southern Baptist Convention Who: Danny Akin, Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Daniel Montgomery, Ed …
At This Year’s SBC: 9 Marks @ 9
It is our hope, at b21, that many will attend the Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville. And we especially want to encourage more and more younger SBC’ers to attend the SBC (we hope to blog about this soon). B21 believes there are many compelling features and events at this upcoming SBC that should entice many to come. For instance, the …
A Call for Foot Soldiers in a Great Commission Resurgence: The Positives and the Pitfalls for Young Leaders
Recently, I had the privilege of writing an article for “Outlook,” The magazine of Southeastern Seminary. The topic given to me was “what Young Leaders were doing well and not so well in pursuing a Great Commission Resurgence?” That magazine is now available, check it out here, with articles about Muslims in Amsterdam, technology and Great Commission work, Convergent Church, …
New Information about B21Panel@theSBC and a Guest Interview with Pastor Mark Dever
Baptist21 is grateful and honored to make three announcements about the upcoming b21 panel: 1. Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church has agreed to be part of the b21 panel at this year’s Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville. 2. Albert Mohler has also agreed to be part of the b21 panel. 3. In addition, we are excited to announce …
A Brief Look at the Nine Marks of a Healthy Church: Mark Two, Biblical Theology
A Brief Look at the Mark: Throughout history, people have longed to believe in an idea or story that makes sense of the world. The reason they long for this is that deep in their hearts they understand there is something that makes sense of reality. The beauty of the Christian faith is we have that overarching story; we have …
SBC21: The Duties and Dangers of This Present Hour — Part 2
This series will be divided into three sections with many posts in each section. Each section will be offered with biblical, theological consideration. The first section will touch on our past. There are many things from our SBC history and heritage that we are grateful for and have learned much from. We are indebted to godly men and women who …